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Cheng Chua, Karl Ian Uy. "The Stories They Tell: Komiks during the Japanese Occupation, 1942–1944." Philippine Studies 53. (2005): 59–90. 
Added by: joachim (6/15/18, 12:09 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: ChengChua2005
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Categories: General
Keywords: Comic strip, Interculturalism, Philippines, Propaganda, Social criticism
Creators: Cheng Chua
Collection: Philippine Studies
Views: 27/1248
Attachments   URLs   https://www.academ ... cupation_1942-1944
This article examines sequential comic art during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, and shows how the medium was utilized by Japanese and Filipinos to further their interests. It analyzes four comic strips published in the Japanese-controlled newspaper Tribune. Although the comic strips can be dismissed easily as blatant Japanese propaganda, a more nuanced perspective reveals the various strategies utilized by Filipino artists in presenting images as a lighthearted social commentary on the situation that confronted Filipinos during the occupation. Through the analysis of comic strips, this article constructs a story of Filipinos and Japanese using an alternative historical source.
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