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Chambliss, Julian C., William Svitavsky, and Daniel Fandino, eds. Assembling the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Essays on the Social, Cultural and Geopolitical Domains. Jefferson: McFarland, 2018. 
Added by: joachim (3/21/18, 9:20 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-4766-6418-7
BibTeX citation key: Chambliss2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: Adaptation, Collection of essays, Film adaptation, Marvel, USA
Creators: Chambliss, Fandino, Svitavsky
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson)
Views: 26/1575
The Marvel Cinematic Universe—comprised of films, broadcast television and streaming series and digital shorts—has generated considerable fan engagement with its emphasis on socially relevant characters and plots. Beyond considerable box office achievements, the success of Marvel’s movie studios has opened up dialogue on social, economic and political concerns that challenge established values and beliefs. This collection of new essays examines those controversial themes and the ways they represent, construct and distort American culture.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (vii)
Introduction (1)
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Filmography (9)

I. “In order to form a more perfect union”: The Cultural Context of the Transmedia Universe (13)
Perry Dantzler: Multiliteracies of the MCU: Continuity Literacy and the Sophisticated Reader(s) of Superheroes Media (14)
Liam Burke: “A bigger universe”: Marvel Studios and Transmedia Storytelling (32)
Lisa K. Perdigao: #ITSALLCONNECTED: Assembling the Marvel Universe (52)
Derek R. Sweet: America Assemble: The Avengers as Therapeutic Public Memory (64)
William L. Svitavsky: “Your ancestors called it magic”: Building Coherence in the MCU Through Continuity with the Past (76)

II. “Establish justice”: The Social Context of the Cinematic Universe (89)
Sarah Zaidan: Stark Contrasts: Reinventing Iron Man for 21st Century Cinema (90)
James Rovira: Silly Love Songs, Gender, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Age of Ultron (103)
Masani McGee: Hooked on the Wrong Kind of Feeling: Popular Music and Nostalgia in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (116)
Elizabeth D. Blum: Tracing Views of Nature in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (127)
Antony Mullen: Bodies That Shatter: Violence and Spectacle in The Avengers (141)

III. “Provide for the common defense”: The Geopolitical Context of the Cinematic Universe (149)
Jason Bainbridge: “You were the world’s first superhero”: Marvel Studio’s Superheroes, Law and the Pursuit of Justice (150)
Sasha-Mae Eccleston: Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: Villainy and Terrorism in Thor (168)
Jennifer A. Rea: More Than a Shield: Security and Empire Building in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Vergil’s Aeneid (185)
Jennifer Beckett: Acting with Limited Oversight: S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Role of Intelligence and Intervention in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (203)
Samira Shirish Nadkarni: “To be the shield”: American Imperialism and Explosive Identity Politics in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (218)

Bibliography (237)
Contributors (245)
Index (247)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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