Darowski, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of the Justice League: Essays on America’s Greatest Superheroes in Changing Times. Jefferson: McFarland, 2017. Added by: joachim (3/30/17, 5:16 PM) Last edited by: joachim (5/30/18, 12:51 PM)
The first superhero team from the Silver Age of comics, DC’s Justice League has seen many iterations since its first appearance in 1960. As the original comic book continued and spin-off titles proliferated, talented writers, artists and editors adapted the team to appeal to changing audience tastes. This collection of new essays examines more than five decades of Justice League comics and related titles. Each essay considers a storyline or era of the franchise in its historical and social contexts.
Table of Contents
Preface (1)
John Darowski: The Brave and Bold Beginning of the Silver Age Superteam (5) Louie Dean Valencia-Garcia: A League of Orphans and Single Parents: Making a Family in an Era of Father Knows Best (18) Thomas C. Donaldson: The Caged Bird Sings: The Justice League of America and the Domestic Containment of Black Canary (33) W.C. Bamberger: Social Justice and Silver Age Superheroes (50) Gene Phillips: Relevance in Wonderland: The Mixed Success of Gardner Fox’s Message Comic Books (58) Peter W. Lee: A Crisis of Infinite Dearth: Winning Vietnam via the Never-Ending War on Earth-X (66) Jason Sacks: The Benefits of Doubts: Steve Englehart’s Radical Take on Tradition (80) Ruth McClelland-Nugent: The Not-So-Golden Age: Gender, Race and Nostalgia in All-Star Squadron 1981–1987 (91) Charles Henebry: Gritty Levity: The Giffen/DeMatteis Era of the Justice League (107) Brian Cogan: "I’m Batman! Bwah ha ha!" Comedy in the Grim ’n’ Gritty Eighties (121) Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns and Leonardo Acosta Lando: Lacking Leadership: The Justice League Europe’s Place in the DC Universe (131) D.R. Hammontree: Extreme Transitions: Trends and Trepidations from 1992 to 1996 (142) Nicole Freim: What We’ve Got Here Is Failure to Communicate: Trust, Technology and Fear in “The Tower of Babel” (151) Joseph J. Darowski: “Whether we fear we do too much—or not enough”: JLA/Avengers and the Cross-Universe Causes of Conflict (162) Jennifer Swartz-Levine: Madwomen: Sexism as Nostalgia, or Feminism in The New Frontier (172) Daniel J. O’Rourke: Absolute Secrets Kept Absolutely: Public Memory and Forgetting in Identity Crisis (186) Cathy Leogrande: The Good, the Bad and the Reboot: Justice League in the New 52 (194)
About the Contributors (207) Index (210)
Added by: joachim Last edited by: joachim