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Cohn, Neil, ed. The Visual Narrative Reader. New York: Bloomsbury, 2016. 
Added by: joachim (2/17/17, 1:09 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/17/17, 1:10 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781472577900
BibTeX citation key: Cohn2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: Cognition, Collection of essays, Intermediality, Visual Culture
Creators: Cohn
Publisher: Bloomsbury (New York)
Views: 18/1563
Sequential images are as natural at conveying narratives as verbal language, and have appeared throughout human history, from cave paintings and tapestries right through to modern comics. Contemporary research on this visual language of sequential images has been scattered across several fields: linguistics, psychology, anthropology, art education, comics studies, and others. Only recently has this disparate research begun to be incorporated into a coherent understanding.
In The Visual Narrative Reader, Neil Cohn collects chapters that cross these disciplinary divides from many of the foremost international researchers who explore fundamental questions about visual narratives.
How does the style of images impact their understanding?
How are metaphors and complex meanings conveyed by images?
How is meaning understood across sequential images?
How do children produce and comprehend sequential images?
Are visual narratives beneficial for education and literacy?
Do visual narrative systems differ across cultures and historical time periods?
This book provides a foundation of research for readers to engage in these fundamental questions and explore the most vital thinking about visual narrative. It collects important papers and introduces review chapters summarizing the literature on specific approaches to understanding visual narratives. The result is a comprehensive “reader” that can be used as a coursebook, a researcher resource and a broad overview of fascinating topics suitable for anyone interested in the growing field of the visual language of comics and visual narratives.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations (xii)
Notes on the Contributors (xvii)
Neil Cohn: Preface (xxii)

1. Neil Cohn: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Visual Narrative (1)

II. Theoretical Approaches to Sequential Images
2. John Bateman and Janina Wildfeuer: Linguistically-Oriented Comics Research in Germany (19)
3. Pascal Lefèvre: No Content without Form: Graphic Style as the Primary Entrance to a Story (67)
4. Charles Forceville: Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Blending Theory, and Other Cognitivist Perspectives on Comics (89)
5. Mario Saraceni: Relatedness: Aspects of Textual Connectivity in Comics (115)
6. Eric Stainbrook: A Little Cohesion between Friends; Or, We’re Just Exploring Our Textuality: Reconciling Cohesion in Written Language and Visual Language (129)

II. Psychology and Development of Visual Narrative
7. Jun Nakazawa: Manga Literacy and Manga Comprehension in Japanese Children (157)
8. Brent Wilson: What Happened and What Happened Next: Kids’ Visual Narratives across Cultures (185)

III. Visual Narratives across Cultures
9. Nancy Munn: The Walbiri Sand Story (231)
10. David Wilkins: Alternative Representations of Space: Arrernte Narratives in Sand (253)
11. Jesper Nielsen and Søren Wichmann: Sequential Text-Image Pairing among the Classic Maya (283)
12. Neil Cohn: Linguistic Relativity and Conceptual Permeability in Visual Narratives: New Distinctions in the Relationship between Language(s) and Thought (315)

Further Reading (341)
Index (347)

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