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Spaulding, Amy E. The Page as a Stage Set: Storyboard Picture Books. Metuchen: Scarecrow Pr. 1995. 
Added by: joachim (2/2/17, 3:48 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/4/17, 7:14 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0810828928
BibTeX citation key: Spaulding1995
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Categories: General
Keywords: Film, Intermediality, Narratology, Picture book, Randformen des Comics, Theatre
Creators: Spaulding
Publisher: Scarecrow Pr. (Metuchen)
Views: 13/984
The picture shares much with the comic book (“graphic novel”) and the storyboard, which coordinates the visual and verbal elements of film.
Spaulding examines a group of picture books by such innovative modern American and English authors/illustrators as Sendak, Briggs, Stevenson, and Pienkowski, considering them from a new perspective: dramatic literature presented on stage.

Table of Contents

List of Figures
List of Tables

I. The Storyboard Book (1)
1. Using the Page as Stage: The Storyboard Book (3)
2. Storyboard Books (14)

II. Dramatic/Narrative Analysis (29)
3. Aristotle: The Parts of a Play (31)
4. Storyboard Books from the Point of View of the Formative Parts (42)
5. In-Depth Analysis of a Few Storyboard Titles (65)

III. Structural Analysis (89)
6. The Storyboard as a Form of Comic (91)
7. Graphic Elements: Animation, Line and Color (98)
8. Page Layout and Framing (122)
9. Visual Presentation of Language: Lino-Language (168)
10. Verbal Elements: Text and Language (198)

IV. The Impact of the Storyboard Book (211)
11. Reading and the Storyboard Book (213)
12. Conclusion: The Storyboard Now and in the Future (224)

Appendix: 200 Author/Artists Who Have Used Strip Form, Motion Lines and/or Dialogue Balloons (235)
Bibliography (260)
Index (275)
About the Author (282)

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