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Royal, Derek Parker, ed. Visualizing Jewish Narrative: Jewish Comics and Graphic Novels. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 
Added by: joachim (6/14/16, 11:19 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/24/19, 10:14 AM)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781474248792
BibTeX citation key: Royal2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Israel, Judaism
Creators: Royal
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (New York)
Views: 15/1280
Examining a wide range of comics and graphic novels – including works by creators such as Will Eisner, Leela Corman, Neil Gaiman, Art Spiegelman, Sarah Glidden and Joe Sacco – this book explores how comics writers and artists have tackled major issues of Jewish identity and culture. With chapters written by leading and emerging scholars in contemporary comic book studies, Visualizing Jewish Narrative highlights the ways in which Jewish comics have handled such topics as:
– Biography, autobiography, and Jewish identity
– Gender and sexuality
– Genre – from superheroes to comedy
– The Holocaust
– The Israel-Palestine conflict
– Sources in the Hebrew Bible and Jewish myth

Table of Contents

Contributors (x)
Danny Fingeroth: Foreword (xv)
Acknowledgments (xvii)

Derek Parker Royal: Introduction: Visualizing Jewish Narrative (1)

I. Picturing Jewish Identity
1. Lan Dong: Thinly Disguised (Autobio)Graphical Stories: Will Eisner’s Life, In Pictures (15)
2. Tahneer Oksman: “Not a Word for Little Girls!”: Knowledge, Word, and Image in Leela Corman’s Unterzakhn (29)
3. Matt Reingold: Jewish Sexualities in J.T. Waldman’s Megillat Esther (41)
4. Nicole Wilkes Goldberg and James Goldberg: “You Wouldn’t Shoot Your Fellow Jews”: Jewish Identity & Nostalgia in Joann Sfar’s Klezmer (55)
5. Ira B. Nadel: Feiffer’s Jewish Voice (67)
6. Derek Parker Royal: There Goes the Neighbourhood: Cycling Ethnoracial Tensions in Will Eisner’s Dropsie Avenue (81)

Elie Valley: Jews and Superheroes (95)

II. Jewish Engagements With Comic Genres
7. Robert G. Weiner: Marvel Comics and the Golem Legend (101)
8. Brannon Costello: “America Makes Strange Jews”: Superheroes and Jewish Masculinity in Howard Chaykin’s Dominic Fortune (115)
9. Daniel Bronstein: Converting Schmaltz Into Chicken Fat: Will Elder and the Judaization of American Comedy (129)
10. Ofer Bernstein: The Third Temple: Alternative Realities’ Depiction of Israel in Israeli Comics and What it Tells Us about Political Consensus in Israeli Society (141)

III. Jewish Comics, The Holocaust, and Trauma
11. Wendy Stallard Flory: The Search: A Graphic Narrative for Beginning to Teach about the Holocaust (157)
12. Samantha Baskind: Picturing “The Holiest Thing”: Joe Kubert’s Children of the Warsaw Ghetto (171)
13. Ellen Rosner Feig: Trauma in Gaza: Israeli Image Through the Eye of the Graphic Novelist (185)
14. Jean-Philippe Marcoux: “To Night the Ensilenced World”: The Challenges of Intervocal Representation in Second-Generation Narratives of Witnessing (199)

Al Wiesner: How Shaloman Was Born (213)

IV. Reperesentations of Israel, Biblical Text, and Legend
15. Catherine Michel: The Art of Persuasion and Propaganda: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Comic Books and Graphic Novels (221)
16. Stephen E. Tabachnick: Strange Encounters in Rutu Modan’s Exit Wounds and “Jamilti” (231)
17. Cyril Camus: The “Outsider”: Neil Gaiman and the Old Testament (241)
18. Tof Eklund: Jewish Giants: Nephilim, Rephaim and the IDF (257)

Arie Kaplan: Afterword (269)

Bibliography (290)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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