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Amash, Jim. "The talent runs deep: An interview with Matt D. Baker and Fred Robinson." Matt Baker. The Art of Glamour. Eds. Jim Amash and Eric Nolen-Weathington. Raleigh: TwoMorrows, 2012. 96–117. 
Added by: joachim (5/5/16, 10:44 PM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Amash2012a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Baker. Matt, Biography, Interview, USA
Creators: Amash, Nolen-Weathington
Publisher: TwoMorrows (Raleigh)
Collection: Matt Baker. The Art of Glamour
Views: 35/1453
The Matt Baker story has always been a short and sweet one, but that was due to the lack of biographical information and not because of the material that he created. Matt Baker was a prodigious worker who was almost always at the top of his game, and while his countless admirers (pros and fans alike) may have been frustrated at the lack of insight into his life, they have rarely been disappointed by the quality of his work. Matt Baker is one of the most historically important comic book artists ever—not just because he was one of the earliest African-Americans to break through into the comic book industry, though that was a significant achievement, considering the times in which he worked. Baker is just as important because of his drawing style. He didn’t just illustrate a story—he kept the action moving at a brisk pace with varying camera angles, compelling compositions, and expressive body positioning. And he drew the sexiest women in comics! “The Matt Baker Girl,” once seen, is not easily forgotten, as evidenced by the many reprintings of his Phantom Lady covers, among other examples—and not just by Dr. Frederic Wertham. It is my pleasure and honor to present an interview with Matt Baker’s half-brother Fred Robinson, and Matt’s nephew Matt D. Baker, which originally ran in Alter Ego Vol. 3, #47. Between the two of them, we get a good look into not just Matt Baker, but the Baker/Robinson family itself. Strong, proud, and successful people, raised by their remarkable mother Ethel, the family history of the Baker/Robinson sons makes a compelling story.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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