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Cortsen, Rikke Platz, Erin La Cour, and Anne Magnussen, eds. Comics and Power: Representing and Questioning Culture, Subjects and Communities. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ. 2015. 
Added by: joachim (8/11/15, 1:21 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/14/15, 7:05 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-4438-7086-3
BibTeX citation key: Cortsen2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays
Creators: Cortsen, La Cour, Magnussen
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publ. (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Views: 38/1284
Attachments   URLs   Introduction
Many introductions to comics scholarship books begin with an anecdote recounting the author’s childhood experiences reading comics, thereby testifying to the power of comics to engage and impact youth, but comics and power are intertwined in a numbers of ways that go beyond concern for children’s reading habits. Comics and Power presents very different methods of studying the complex and diverse relationship between comics and power. Divided into three sections, its 14 chapters discuss how comics interact with, reproduce, and/or challenge existing power structures – from the comics medium and its institutions to discourses about art, subjectivity, identity, and communities. The contributors and their work, as such, represent a new generation of comics research that combines the study of comics as a unique art form with a focus on the ways in which comics – like any other medium – participate in shaping the societies of which they are part.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations (viii)
Contributors (xi)
Acknowledgements (xvi)

Anne Magnussen, Erin La Cour and Rikke Platz Cortsen: Introduction (xvii)

Part I: Power and Institutionalization: Shifting Cultural and Medial Perceptions
1. Øystein Sjåstad: Comics: This Bitter Art (2)
2. Andreas Gregersen: “You Wouldn’t Get It”: “Penny Arcade” as Gaming Communication Hub and Webcomic (23)
3. Fred Andersson: An Artist, a Cowboy and Some Ontological Jokes: A Nordic Contribution to the Understanding of Comics in Art (44)
4. Steen Christiansen: Between Media: David Mack’s Kabuki (72)
5. Katja Kontturi: “Shades of Conan Doyle! A lost world!” Fantasy and Intertextuality in Don Rosa’s “Escape from Forbidden Valley” (89)

Part II: Power and the Subject: Exposing the Politics of Subjectivity and Identity
6. Rikke Platz Cortsen and Erin La Cour: Opening a “Thirdspace”: The Unmasking Effects of Comics (110)
7. Kristina Arnerud Mejhammar: On Politics, Everyday Life, and Humor in Cecilia Torudd’s Comic Strip Ensamma mamman (131)
8. Øyvind Vågnes: Comics Reenactment: Joe Sacco’s Footnotes in Gaza (154)
9. Martin Lund: “[A] matter of SAVED or LOST”: Difference, Salvation, and Subjection in Chick Tracts (17)
Part III: Power and Society: Reproducing and/or Contesting National Communities and Ideologies
10. Dennis Meyhoff Brink: Fearing Religious Satire: Religious Censorship and Satirical Counter-Attacks (194)
11. Ralf Kauranen: Transnationalism in the Finnish 1950s Debate on Comics (218)
12. Margareta Wallin Wictorin: Comics in Postcolonial Senegal: Suggesting and Contesting National Identity (244)
13. Gunhild Borggreen: Drawing Disaster: Manga Response to the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake (263)
14. Mervi Miettinen: All Men Are Not Created Equal: Identity, Power, and Resistance in Superman: Red Son (285)

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