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Gibson, Mel. Remembered Reading: Memory, Comics and Post-War Constructions of British Girlhood. Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, 2015. 
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Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Gibson2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: Children’s and young adults’ comics, Gender, United Kingdom
Creators: Gibson
Publisher: Leuven Univ. Press (Leuven)
Views: 14/560
A reader’s history exploring the forgotten genre of girls’ comics
Girls’ comics were a major genre from the 1950s onwards in Britain. The most popular titles sold between 800,000 and a million copies a week. However, this genre was slowly replaced by magazines which now dominate publishing for girls. Remembered Reading is a readers’ history which explores the genre, and memories of those comics, looking at how and why this rich history has been forgotten. The research is based around both analysis of what the titles contained and interviews with women about their childhood comic reading. In addition, it also looks at the other comic books that British girls engaged with, including humour comics and superhero titles. In doing so it looks at intersections of class, girlhood, and genre, and puts comic reading into historical, cultural, and educational context.

Table of Content

Introduction (7)

Chapter One. Picture This: Working with Readers, Comics and Memory (21)
On Analysing, or rather, on Finding, Comics (21)
Media and Cultural Studies and Audience Research (25)
Audience, Class and Girls’ Culture (26)
Working with Readers (29)
Working with Readers and Memory (33)

Chapter Two. The Rise and Fall of the British Girls’ Comic: The Comic and Post-war Constructions of Girlhood (37)
Context: Periodical Publishers and Girlhood as a Cultural Construct (38)
The Girl’s Own Paper Before the Comic: Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Periodicals for Girls (40)
Girl and Others: The Start of the Girl’s Comic (43)
Roxy, Romance and Teenagers: Developing Comics for Young Adults (49)
Bunty and Princess: New Comics for Younger Girls (53)
Changing Markets: Tammy and the New Wave of Comics (58)
Endgame: Photo-stories and Horror (62)
Periodicals for Girls After the Comic (68)

Chapter Three. Mediating the Text: Academics, Teachers, Librarians and Others (71)
Comics and Criticism: Mass culture, media effects and moral panic (71)
The Impact of Feminism (79)
Perspectives on the Comic in Education and Librarianship since the 1990s (83)
Media Studies, Cultural Studies and Other Disciplines (86)
Children’s Literature (86)
History and Comics (88)
Media and Cultural Studies (88)
Media and Cultural Studies research on Girls’ Comics (91)

Chapter Four. The Readers’ Tale: Girls Reading Girls’ Comics (97)
Remembering Girls’ Comics (103)
Remembering Narratives (109)
Contextualising Girls’ Comics (114)
Parents and Comics (117)
Class, Aspiration, Rebellion and Comics (119)
Pleasure and Comics (127)
The Comic as Marker (131)

Chapter Five. You Can’t Read Them, They’re For Boys! Girls Reading Boys’ and Mixed Gender Comics (137)
Rejecting the Girls’ Comic (143)
Swapping Comics (145)
Comics for Mixed Gender Audiences (148)
Who are Humour Comics for? Remembering the ‘Funnies’ (149)
Other Issues of Ownership: Educational Comics and Girls (155)
One Step Beyond! Remembering Reading Comics for Boys (157)
The Appeal of the ‘Other’ (158)
Remembering Narratives (161)
Rebellion, Gender and Identity (163)
‘Other’ Comics and Feminism (166)
Being a Fan (169)

Conclusion (175)

Appendix 1. A Note on Interviews with Children in Accounts of Reading in the 1960s (197)

Appendix 2. Comics and Magazines Checklist (201)
Comic and Magazine titles (201)
Comics and Graphic novels (205)
Specific Stories, Series & Characters in Girl’s Comics (205)

Bibliography (209)
Index (217)

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