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Mehta, Binita and Pia Mukherji, eds. Postcolonial Comics: Texts, Events, Identities. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. London: Routledge, 2015. 
Added by: joachim (6/8/15, 11:24 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/3/17, 8:59 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-415-73813-2
BibTeX citation key: Mehta2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Postcolonialism
Creators: Mehta, Mukherji
Publisher: Routledge (London)
Views: 35/805
This collection examines new comic-book cultures, graphic writing, and bande dessinée texts as they relate to postcolonialism in contemporary Anglophone and Francophone settings. The individual chapters are framed within a larger enquiry that considers definitive aspects of the postcolonial condition in twenty-first-century (con)texts. The authors demonstrate that the fields of comic-book production and circulation in various regional histories introduce new postcolonial vocabularies, reconstitute conventional “image-functions” in established social texts and political systems, and present competing narratives of resistance and rights. In this sense, postcolonial comic cultures are of particular significance in the context of a newly global and politically recomposed landscape.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)

Binita Mehta and Pia Mukherji: Introduction (1)

Part I: Geographies of Contact: Gibraltar / Malta / Asia-Pacific
1. Michelle Bumatay: Plural Pathways, Plural Identities: Jean-Philippe Stassen’s Les Visiteurs de Gibraltar (29)
2. Sam Knowles: Joe Sacco’s “Prying Outsiders”: Marginalization, Graphic Novel Form, and the Ethics of Postcolonial Representation (44)
3. Roman Rosenbaum: Tezuka Osamu’s Postcolonial Discourse towards a Hybrid National Identity (59)

Part II: Francophone Post-Histories: Algeria / Congo / Gabon
4. Ann Miller: Memory and Postmemory in Morvandiau’s D’Algérie (77)
5. Véronique Bragard: Guilty Melancholia and Memorial Work: Representing the Congolese Past in Comics (92)
6. Binita Mehta: Visualizing Postcolonial Africa: La Vie de Pahé (111)

Part III: Postcolonial Politics: India
7. Pramod K. Nayar: Postcolonial Demo-graphics: Traumatic Realism in Vishwajyoti Ghosh’s Delhi Calm (131)
8. Harleen Singh: Graphics of Freedom: Colonial Terrorists and Postcolonial Revolutionaries in Indian Comics (142)
9. Pia Mukherji: Graphic Ecriture: Gender and Magic Iconography in Kari (157)

Part IV: War, Nationhood, and Transnationalism: The Middle East
10. Jeffrey John Barnes: Visualizing the Emerging Nation: Jewish and Arab Editorial Cartoons in Palestine, 1939–48 (171)
11. Massimo di Ricco: Drawing for a New Public: Middle Eastern 9th Art and the Emergence of a Transnational Graphic Movement (187)
12. Lena Merhej: Men with Guns: War Narratives in New Lebanese Comics (204)

Contributors (223)
Index (227)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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