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Herman, Janique. "An Interrogation of Morality, Power and Plurality as Evidenced in Superhero Comic Books: A Postmodernist Perspective." Thesis MA. 2013. 
Added by: joachim (11/12/14, 6:13 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (11/12/14, 6:13 PM)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Herman2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Batman", "Spider-Man", "Superman", Adaptation, Film adaptation, Game, Postmodernism, Superhero, USA
Creators: Herman
Views: 19/1319
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The desire for heroes is a global and cultural phenomenon that gives a view into society’s very heart. There is no better example of this truism than that of the superhero. Typically, Superheroes, with their affiliation to values and morality, and the notion of the grand narratives, should not fit well into postmodernist theory. However, at the very core of the superhero narrative is the ideal of an individual creating his/her own form of morality, and thus dispensing justice as the individual sees fit in resistance to metanarrative’s authoritarian and restrictive paradigms. This research will explore Superhero comic books, films, videogames and the characters Superman, Spider-Man and Batman through the postmodernist conceptions of power, plurality, and morality.

Table of Contents

Abstract (2)
Declaration (3)
Dedication (4)
Special Thanks (5)
Table of Contents (6)
List of Illustrations( 8)

Introduction (9)

Chapter 1: A Brief History of the American Superhero Comic Book (21)
1.1. The Golden Age of Comic Books (23)
1.2. The Silver Age of Comic Books (30)
1.3. The Bronze Age of Comic Books (35)
1.4. The Modern Age of Comic Books (38)

Chapter 2: Postmodern Theoretical Framework (43)
2.1. Power (48)
2.2. Plurality (52)
2.3. Morality (57)

Chapter 3: Superman (65)
3.1. Power (69)
3.2. Plurality (77)
3.3. Morality (84)

Chapter 4: Spider-Man (89)
4.1. Power (92)
4.2. Plurality (95)
4.3. Morality (102)

Chapter 5: Batman (105)
5.1. Power (110)
5.2. Plurality (114)
5.3. Morality (126)

Conclusion (137)

Illustrations (145)
Works Cited (151)

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