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Cohn, Neil. "You’re a Good Structure, Charlie Brown: The Distribution of Narrative Categories in Comic Strips." Cognitive Science 38. (2014): 1317–59. 
Added by: joachim (10/3/14, 5:19 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/3/14, 5:24 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12116
BibTeX citation key: Cohn2014c
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Categories: General
Keywords: Cognition, Empirical research, Narratology, Reception
Creators: Cohn
Collection: Cognitive Science
Views: 23/1263
Attachments   URLs   https://www.academ ... es_in_Comic_Strips
Cohn’s (2013) theory of “Visual Narrative Grammar” argues that sequential images take on categorical roles in a narrative structure, which organizes them into hierarchic constituents analogous to the organization of syntactic categories in sentences. This theory proposes that narrative categories, like syntactic categories, can be identified through diagnostic tests that reveal tendencies for their distribution throughout a sequence. This paper describes four experiments testing these diagnostics to provide support for the validity of these narrative categories. In Experiment 1, participants reconstructed unordered panels of a comic strip into an order that makes sense. Experiment 2 measured viewing times to panels in sequences where the order of panels was reversed. In Experiment 3, participants again reconstructed strips but also deleted a panel from the sequence. Finally, in Experiment 4 participants identified where a panel had been deleted from a comic strip and rated that strip’s coherence. Overall, categories had consistent distributional tendencies within experiments and complementary tendencies across experiments. These results point toward an interaction between categorical roles and a global narrative structure.
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