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Driest, Joris. "Subjective Narration in Comics." Thesis Universiteit Utrecht, 2006. 
Added by: joachim (9/17/14, 2:23 PM)   
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Driest2006
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Categories: General
Keywords: Film, Narratology
Creators: Driest
Publisher: Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht)
Views: 15/1068
Attachments   URLs   http://dspace.libr ... l/handle/1874/8192,, ... DF/Bk-DRIET001.pdf
Comics are, even by the narrowest definition, already a rather old medium. Emerging at the turn of the twentieth century as short funnies in newspapers, they developed in different ways in mainland Europe, America and Japan. In Europe, especially France and Belgium, comics became recognized as a distinct medium, capable of telling all kinds of stories. In America, a single genre (superheroes) has dominated the mainstream for decades. The widest appreciation for the storytelling possibilities of comics, however, was in Japan, where comics not only reach great quantity in sales, but also in diversity of genres. Over the past few years, both America and Europe have seen some (re)new(ed) serious interest in comics. Be this as it may, comics have globally been superseded in popularity by newer media like television and Internet in the second half of the twentieth century. Media studies, which became a full-fledged academic discipline in this same time period, have largely ignored comics in favour of newer, more popular subjects. This thesis will study a much overlooked medium and try to show its vitality in comparison to others. The main question of this thesis will be how subjective narration in comics is different from similar scenes in film and writing. We will first analyse subjective narration in comics using both film and literary theory. We hope to draw conclusions on both subjective narration and comics from this angle.

Table of Contents

Introduction (3)
Narration (3)
Subjective Narration (6)
Comics (8)
Methodology (12)
Justification (14)
Framework (15)

Chapter 1: Word and image (18)
Introduction (18)
Thought clouds (19)
Word boxes (21)
Subjective use of word and image (22)
Emotions (41)
Conclusion (46)

Chapter 2: Image to image (48)
Introduction (48)
Perceptual point of view (50)
Drawing style (53)
Framing (59)
Subjective image transitions (61)
Conclusion (68)

Conclusion (69)

Bibliography (72)
Primary works (72)
Works cited (72)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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