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Gerbier, Laurent and Didier Ottaviani. "Approximativement (Lewis Trondheim et ses doubles)." Image [&] Narrative 1. 2 2001. Accessed 4Aug. 2014. <http://www.imageandnarr ... bd/gerbierottaviani.htm>. 
Added by: joachim (8/4/14, 4:44 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: fr: français
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Gerbier2001
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Approximativement", Autobiography, Chabosy. Laurent, France, Trondheim. Lewis
Creators: Gerbier, Ottaviani
Collection: Image [&] Narrative
Views: 47/967
Attachments   URLs   http://www.imagean ... rbierottaviani.htm
[Abstract in English below]

L’œuvre de Lewis Trondheim repose sur une matrice autobiographique, un univers mental mi-vécu mi-fantasmé qui sert de code représentatif à ses récits. La matrice fonctionne comme un ensemble de contraintes susceptible d’être amplifié par l’ajout de contraintes formelles. L’emploi de personnages récurrents mais aux identités changeantes d’un album à l’autre montre que trondheim privilégie dans ses récits les relations interpersonnelles entre des personnages constituant autant de facettes autobiographiques. En simplifiant le dessin et les situations, Trondheim creuse des aspects peu explorés de la bande dessinée, démontrant ainsi qu'il est possible de penser en images.

Lewis Trondheim’s work typifies an autobiographical matrix, a mental universe of personal phantasies and past experience providing a narrative code to all his books. The matrix functions as a set of constraints enhanced when formal constraints are worked into it. The use of recurring characters with different identities in each album emphasizes Trondheim’s focus on inter-personal relations between characters who are so many facets of his autobiographic self. The simplification of artwork and plots enables him to concentrate on narrative aspects usually neglected in comics such as psychological traits, emotions, time. His comics show that it is possible to think in cartoons.

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