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Howard, Sheena C. and Ronald L. Jackson II, eds. Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 
Added by: joachim (4/16/14, 9:22 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781441172761
BibTeX citation key: Howard2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Ethnicity
Creators: Howard, Jackson II
Publisher: Bloomsbury (New York)
Views: 7/851
Bringing together contributors from a wide-range of critical perspectives, Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation is an analytic history of the diverse contributions of Black artists to the medium of comics. Covering comic books, superhero comics, graphic novels and cartoon strips from the early 20th century to the present, the book explores the ways in which Black comic artists have grappled with such themes as the Black experience, gender identity, politics and social media.

Table Of Contents

William Foster III: Foreword (xi)
Acknowledgments (xv)

Sheena Howard and Ronald L. Jackson II: Introduction (1)

Part I: Comics then and now (9)
1. Sheena C. Howard: Brief history of the black comic strip: Past and present (11)
2. Nancy Goldstein: The trouble with romance in Jackie Ormes’s comics (23)
3. Tia C.M. Tyree: Contemporary representations of black females in newspaper comic strips (45)
4. Derek Lackaff and Michael Sales: Black comics and social media economics: New media, new production models (65)
5. Casey Brienza: Beyond b&w? The global manga of Felipe Smith (79)

Part II: Representing race and gender (95)
6. Angela M. Nelson: Studying black comic strips: Popular art and discourses of race (97)
7. Christian Davenport: Blowing flames into the souls of black folk: Ollie Harrington and his bombs from Berlin to Harlem (111)
8. Jeffrey A. Brown: Panthers and vixens: Black superheroines, sexuality, and stereotypes in contemporary comic books (133)
9. Sheena C. Howard: Gender, race and The Boondocks (151)
10. Clariza Ruiz De Castilla and Zazil Reyes Garcia: From sexual siren to race traitor: Condoleeza Rice in political cartoons (169)

Part III: Comics as political commentary (189)
11. Carlos D. Morrison and Ronald L. Jackson II: “There’s a Revolutionary Messiah in Our Mist”: A pentadic analysis of Birth of a Nation: A Comic Novel (191)
12. Elizabeth Sills: Inappropriate political content: Serialized comic strips at the intersection of visual rhetoric and the rhetoric of humor (207)
13. Kenneth Ghee: “Will the ‘Real’ Black Super Heroes Please Stand Up?!” A critical analysis of the mythological and cultural significance of black superheroes (223)
14. David DeIuliis: Culturally gatekeeping the black comic strip (239)

Jeet Heer: Afterword (251)

Index (257)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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