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Müller, Markus. Accessed 19Feb. 2013. The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators. [Online]. Available: 
Added by: joachim (2/19/13, 4:29 PM)   
Resource type: Online Database
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Mller2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Bibliography, Marvel, USA
Creators: Müller
Views: 9/872
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The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators is a collection of data for all comics ever published by Marvel Comics (at least that is the long-time goal). The UHBMCC presents the titles, dates and – most important – the names of the creators that brought us our favorite stories. Please use the buttons in the menu bar on top of this page to go directly to the desired information.This site is dedicated to listing Marvel comics, comics with Marvel characters, co-operations of Marvel with other companies and of books, magazines etc. published about Marvel comics, the characters, spoofs of characters, and about creators that worked for Marvel.

The long-time goal of this web site is to list all comics ever published by Marvel Comics and give to each comic when it was published and who was the creative team. Further it provides a list of storyarcs and crossovers, a list of published comics sorted by date, an index to the people who bring you your favorite comics, a list showing where a comic has been reprinted and an index for the appearance of characters.
The task to gather and complete the data is twofold: On the one side all new comics published by Marvel Comics are listed and on the other side the comics of the past are completed.

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