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Priego Ramirez, Ernesto F. "The comic book in the age of digital reproduction." Doctoral thesis PhD. University College London, 2011. 
Added by: joachim (11/10/12, 6:44 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/13/14, 10:59 PM)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.754575
BibTeX citation key: PriegoRamirez2011
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Categories: General
Keywords: Digitalization, Materiality
Creators: Priego Ramirez
Publisher: University College London (London)
Views: 23/852
This dissertation discusses the changing nature of comics and comic books in a digital age. Its focus is on comics as an artistic form that developed in connection with technologies belonging to print culture and the age of mechanical reproduction. This fact is both reflected and challenged by the digitization of printed comics, digital comics (comics created with computers that can be read on different electronic platforms, either networked or not) and webcomics (comics made mainly to be read on computers online). It claims that comics as a communicative and artistic system has expressed itself as a type of materiality. Materiality in this case refers not only to the publications themselves but the processes involved in their creation and in their interaction with the reader in specific settings. Through an analysis that combines previous comics scholarship with critical theory, theories of electronic text and the history of the book, this thesis argues comic books’ materiality is distinct and yet interacts with other media such as traditional books, film electronic texts, etc. The materiality of comics produces and is simultaneously the consequence of particular textual topologies, which have made comics partially untranslatable to digital and other media, or that at least interrogate the idea that such translation (or migration) can be done without significant loss or without becoming something else. The study concludes that digital media is presenting unique opportunities for comics textuality. Amongst other risks, were there to be a total migration from a printed culture to a digital one, a complex dimension of comic book reading as an interactive social experience organised around physical, historical materiality would be lost and replaced by an altogether different one. The evidence indicates that the current digital revolution in comic books fully includes, and not excludes, the culture of print.

Table of Contents

Declaration of Originality
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 The Objectives
1.2. The Research Problem
1.3. The Scope, the Methodology, the Context
1.4 The Contribution to Knowledge 

Chapter 2. Comics as a System
2.1 Theorising Comics
2.2 The Discursive Structures of Comics
2.3 The Narrative Process 

Chapter 3. Comics as Books
3.1. The “Comicbookness” of Comics
3.2 Comics and Materiality
3.3. Comic Book Formats
3.4. The Care of Comic Books
3.5 The Non-Original Origin
3.6 How a Comic is Made

Chapter 4. Comics as Digital Publications
4.1 A Brave New World
4.2 Pioneers of Comics in the Age of Computers
4.3 The Wired Comic Strip
4.4 From Print to the World Wide Web
4.5. From The Technical Unit to The Infinite Canvas

Chapter 5. Click Next

List of Figures and Copyright Attribution
Bibliography 2 3 4 5 7 7 23 24 44 47 47 84 100 115 115 128 151 159 166 181 219 219 240 253 267 291 317 360 367

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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