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Clark, Emily. "Of Catholics, Commies, and the Anti-Christ: Mapping American Social Borders Through Cold War Comic Books." Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 21. 3 2009. Accessed 30May. 2011. < ... )-CatholicsCommies.html>. 
Added by: joachim (5/30/11, 12:14 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Clark2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Is This Tomorrow", "Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact", Chick. Jack T., Cold War, Politics, Propaganda, Religion, Sociology, USA
Creators: Clark
Collection: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
Views: 23/1385
Attachments   URLs   http://www.usask.c ... holicsCommies.html
This article explores the use of religion in three different Christian Cold War era comic books, with particular focus upon their reflection of the social borders reconstruction of American identity. Two of the comics are dramatic what-if scenarios of communist takeovers of the United States printed by Catholic educators. The third comic is an anti-Catholic tract linking the Vatican to the communist party. Engaging the relationship between Catholicism and communism, these comics reflect different perspectives concerning American’s religious landscape and its relationship to the nation’s changing identity.
Added by: joachim  
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