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Levi, Antonia, Mark McHarry, and Dru Pagliassotti, eds. Boys’ Love Manga: Essays on the Sexual Ambiguity and Cross-Cultural Fandom of the Genre. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2010. 
Added by: joachim (3/5/10, 6:38 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/9/13, 9:45 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-7864-4195-2
BibTeX citation key: Levi2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Gender, Japan, Manga
Creators: Levi, McHarry, Pagliassotti
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson, London)
Views: 20/1221
“Boys’ love,” a male-male homoerotic genre written primarily by women for women, enjoys global popularity and is one of the most rapidly growing publishing niches in the United States. It is found in manga, anime, novels, movies, electronic games, and fan-created fiction, artwork, and video. This collection of 14 essays addresses boys’ love as it has been received and modified by fans outside Japan as a commodity, controversy, and culture.

Table of Contents

Antonia Levi: Introduction (1)

I. Boys’ Love and Global Publishing
1. Hope Donovan: Gift Versus Capitalist Economies: Exchanging Anime and Manga in the U.S. (11)
2. Paul M. Malone: From BRAVO to to Export: Capitalizing on German Boys’ Love Fandom, Culturally, Socially and Economically (23)
3. Yamila Abraham: Boys’ Love Thrives in Conservative Indonesia (44)

II. Genre and Readership
4. Dru Pagliassotti: Better Than Romance? Japanese BL Manga and the Subgenre of Male/Male Romantic Fiction (59)
5. Mark John Isola: Yaoi and Slash Fiction: Women Writing, Reading, and Getting Off? (84)
6. Marni Stanley: 101 Uses for Boys: Communing with the Reader in Yaoi and Slash (99)
7. M. M. Blair: “She Should Just Die in a Ditch”: Fan Reactions to Female Characters in Boys’ Love Manga (110)
8. Tan Bee Kee: Rewriting Gender and Sexuality in English-Language Yaoi Fanfiction (126)

III. Boys’ Love and Perceptions of the Queer
9. Neal K. Akatsuka: Uttering the Absurd, Revaluing the Abject: Femininity and the Disavowal of Homosexuality in Transnational Boys’ Love Manga (159)
10. Mark McHarry: Boys in Love in Boys’ Love: Discourses West/East and the Abject in Subject Formation (177)
11. Mark Vicars and Kim Senior: Queering the Quotidian: Yaoi, Narrative Pleasures and Reader Response (190)
12. Alexis Hall: Gay or Gei? Reading "Realness" in Japanese Yaoi Manga (211)
13. Alan Williams: Raping Apollo: Sexual Difference and the Yaoi Phenomenon (221)
14. Uli Meyer: Hidden in Straight Sight: Trans*gressing Gender and Sexuality via BL (232)

About the Contributors (265)
Index (267)

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