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Vessels, Joel E. "Vive la France, Now Who Are We? Bande Dessinée, the 16 July 1949 Law, and the Political Re-imagining of Post-World War II France." International Journal of Comic Art 11. (2009): 272–82. 
Added by: Deleted user (11/30/09, 2:36 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Vessels2009a
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Categories: General
Keywords: France, Kulturpolitik, Politics, War
Creators: Vessels
Collection: International Journal of Comic Art
Views: 12/557
This chapter discusses postwar bande dessinée (BD) works published in France. After the liberation, Edmund-François Calvo’s La Bête est morte! was published in order to teach French children of the experiences and hardships of the Occupation period. This chapter notes that there was also an increase in the proliferation of pornographic BDs which were published during the Occupation period, and this prompted the French government to consider the dangers of obscene materials for young people. As a step to protect the young generation, French authorities banned all BD works during the Occupation in the hope that the young French generation would only read educational texts.
Added by: joachim  
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