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Phillipps, Susanne. "Images of Asia in Japanese Best-selling Manga." electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies 2002. Accessed 21Nov. 2009. <http://www.japanesestud ... .uk/ICAS2/Phillipps.pdf>. 
Added by: joachim (11/21/09, 1:12 AM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Phillipps2002
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Categories: General
Keywords: Asia, Imagology, Japan, Manga, Travelogue
Creators: Phillipps
Collection: electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies
Views: 29/1172
Attachments   URLs   http://www.japanes ... CAS2/Phillipps.pdf
In this paper, I will analyse three different manga, each describing the journey of a Japanese to another Asian country. In all three stories, the trip to Asia facilitates critical reflection upon the moral standards, character and behaviour of the central figure. My aim is to show that the way in which the Asian country is depicted is closely linked to the (different) personal developments of the three protagonists.
The three manga discussed here are:
1. Bokura wa minna ikite iru (“Hurray, We are Still Alive”) (Isshiki Nobuyuki/Yamamoto Naoki, 1992/93).
2. Hong Kong wâkingu gâru (“Hong Kong Working Girl”) (Murata Junko, 1995/96).
3. Akio kikô Bari (“Akios Travels to Bali”) (Fukaya Akira, 1995).
The manga analysed in this paper present several different lifestyle scenarios and allow us to draw certain conclusions concerning the heroes’ attitudes towards “Asia”: a young employee (Bokura wa minna ikite iru) wanting to climb the career ladder experiences the trip abroad as horror; a young woman (Hong Kong wâkingu gâru) making her way to foreign shores to escape the patriarchal structures of Japan finds her way and position in life; and a social dropout (Akio kikô Bari) fascinated by foreignness experiences it as purely exotic.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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