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Boltanski, Luc. "La constitution du champ de la bande dessinée." Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 1. (1975): 37–59. 
Added by: joachim (8/9/09, 9:39 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/4/13, 2:16 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: fr: français
DOI: 10.3406/arss.1975.2448
BibTeX citation key: Boltanski1975
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Categories: General
Keywords: Belgium, Bourdieu. Pierre, France, Sociology
Creators: Boltanski
Collection: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales
Views: 48/1172
Until recent times (1960–1970), the cartoon possessed the properties common to most of the symbolic goods produced for a wide-range audience: subjugation of producers to the laws of the market, anonymity, uniformity of products, etc. An ensemble of changes, without a doubt linked, for the most part, to the increase in school attendance, have been at the origin of the constituting of a “field” of the cartoon, possessing some of the properties of the fields of scholarly culture. The analysis of the process of the canonization of the cartoon is the opportunity to observe the modifications which the establishing of a specific culture – of a relatively autonomous field, of a mechanism (reviews meetings, prizes, editors, institutions of learning, etc.) – introduces in the producers’ characteristics, in the formal properties of the works and in the type of relationship which the producers maintain toward the works.
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