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Rota, Valerio. "The Translation’s Visibility: David B.’s L’Ascension du Haut Mal in Italy." Belphégor 4. 1 2004. Accessed 6Apr. 2010. <>. 
Added by: Deleted user (8/7/09, 12:33 AM)   Last edited by: Deleted user (1/6/15, 10:09 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Rota2004
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Categories: General
Keywords: "L’ascension du haut mal", Beauchard. Pierre-François, David B., Format, France, Illness, Italy, Paratext, Translation
Creators: Rota
Collection: Belphégor
Views: 33/1721
Attachments   URLs ... handle/10222/47698
Comics are published all over the world in different formats, which peculiarly characterize each national production. Translating a comic, then, means to cope with cultural aspects: how can a French album, that is a giant-sized hardcover book in full colour, be translated and published in Italy, where readers are used to the pocket-sized, black-and-white bonelliani?
Altering the size of pages, the colours, the disposition of panels in a comic story in order to adapt it to a different format, means to destroy all those equilibriums which its original author set in order to achieve particular effects. Therefore, in translating a comic the modification of formats is incompatible with the respect for the original work. This seems to confirm Antoine Berman's theories about “l'épreuve de l'étranger”: a translated comic cannot hide its foreign origin.
This contribution analyses the Italian edition of David B.'s L'Ascension du Haut Mal, spotlighting its characteristics and weak points.
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