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Dierick, Charles and Pascal Lefèvre, eds. Forging a New Medium: The Comic Strip in the Nineteenth Century. Brussels: VUB Univ. Press, 1998. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:33 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/21/19, 5:09 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 90-5487-206-3
BibTeX citation key: Dierick1998
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Early forms of comics
Creators: Dierick, Lefèvre
Publisher: VUB Univ. Press (Brussels)
Views: 27/1205
Batman, Tintin, The Peanuts, Maus, Corto Maltese, etc., would all these famous 20th century comics have been possible without the autors of the 19th century comics? Genuine artists who further developed the sequential art and proved that their graphic stories had a broad public. Unfortunately, most of the 19th century cartoonists and their work are forgotten or unknown. For the first time several prominent comic strip historians from different countries collaborated on a publication about the comic strip in the 19th century. Most of the specialists give an overview of the comic strip production in their country and present some other finest cartoonists of that era: Paul Gravett about Great Britain, David Kunzle about the USA, Antonio Martin about Spain, Nop Maas and Vansummeren about the Low Countries. There are also two more detailed discussions – Thierry Groensteen on Töpffer and Hans Ries on Busch – which offer new insights into two major cartoonists. The editors, Pascal Lefèvre and Charles Dierick of the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art discuss the controversy over the definition of the comic strip and explain how the comic strip developed in the 19th century as a mass entertainment. There is also a timeline which gives an overview of rhe most important facts and names from 1800 till 1914.

Table of Contents

Pascal Lefèvre and Charles Dierick: Introduction

A Timeline, 1800–1914

Patricia Vansummeren: From »Mannekensblad« to Comic Strips
Nop Maas: The Archaeology of the Dutch Comic Strip
Paul Gravett: The Cartoonist’s Progress: The Inventors of the Comics in Great Britain
Thierry Groensteen: Töpffer, the Originator of the Modern Comic Strip
Hans Ries: Comic Strips in the Work of Wilhelm Busch
Antonio Martin: Notes on the Birth of the Comics in Spain, 1873–1900
David Kunzle: Precursors in American Weeklies to the American Newspaper Comic Strip: A Long Gestation and a Transoceanic Cross-Breeding

Abstracts in French and Dutch

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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