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Weinstein, Simcha. Up, Up, and Oy Vey! How Jewish History, Culture, and Values Shaped the Comic Book Superhero. Baltimore: Leviathan Press, 2006. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:33 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/5/13, 4:25 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1881927326
BibTeX citation key: Weinstein2006
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Batman", "Captain America", "Fantastic Four", "Hulk", "Justice League", "Spider-Man", "Superman", "X-Men", Judaism, Superhero, USA
Creators: Weinstein
Publisher: Leviathan Press (Baltimore)
Views: 28/1596
From the birth of Krypton in Cleveland to the Caped Crusader, the Incredible Hulk, Spider Man, the X-Men and more, Up, Up, and Oy Vey chronicles the story about the origins of the most famous superheroes. Jewish contribution to pop-culture is well-documented, but the Jewish role in the creation of action comic superheroes has not been—until now!

Table of Contents

Preface (9)
Acknowledgments (11)

Introduction. People of the (Comic) Book (13)
1. Superman: From Cleveland to Krypton (19)
2. Batman and the Spirit: Urban Darkness (33)
3. Captain America: Star Spangled Salvation (45)
4. The Justice League of America: A (Justice) League of Their Own (57)
5. Fantastic Four: “F” for Dysfunctional (69)
6. The Incredible Hulk and Sabra: Anger Management (81)
7. Spider-Man: “Wherever There’s a Hangup …” (95)
8. X-Men: Mutation Generation (105)
Conclusion: Spiritual Metaphors in Spandex (117)

Notes (129)
Index (137)
About the Author (150)

Added by: joachim  
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