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Howe, Sean, ed. Give Our Regards to the Atomsmashers: Writers on Comics. New York: Pantheon, 2004. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/7/19, 2:25 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0-375-42256-0
BibTeX citation key: Howe2004a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Literature
Creators: Howe
Publisher: Pantheon (New York)
Views: 14/866
In Give Our Regards to the Atom-smashers!, some of our most intriguing and creative contemporary writers weigh in on the world of comics: the ones they love versus the ones they hate, the comics they devoured as kids and still can't live without, and the comics that have influenced them in their work and their lives.
Here is Jonathan Lethem on childhood friendships, comic books, and the genius of artist Jack Kirby … Brad Meltzer on spending a summer vacation with the New Teen Titans … Glen David Gold on the obsessive nature of collecting … Myla Goldberg writing about the disturbed visions of Chris Ware and Renée French … Steve Erickson riffing on the perverse patriotism of American Flagg. Here, too, are Luc Sante on Tintin, Aimee Bender on Yummy Fur, Greil Marcus on Uncle Sam, Lydia Millet on Little Nemo in Slumberland, and many others. Give Our Regards to the Atomsmashers! is a quirky, thrilling, and compulsively readable celebration of the unique alchemy of words and drawings that forms the language of comic books. It is a book that will delight the seasoned comics reader and invite everyone else into a whole new world.

Table of Contents

Sean Howe: Introduction (vii)

Jonathan Lethem: The Return of the King, or, Identifying with Your Parents (2)
Luc Sante: The Clear Line (24)
Geogg Dyer: Comics in a Man’s Life (34)
Aimee Bender: Flat and Glad (44)
Christopher Sorrentino: The Ger Sheker (52)
Steve Erickson: American Flagg (70)
Gary Giddins: Seduced by Classics Illustrated (78)
Brad Meltzer: How I Spent My Summer Vacation with The Judas Contract (96)
John Wray: This World, That World, and the Invisible Hinge: The Words & Pictures of Jim Woodring (108)
Geoffrey O’Brien: Nick Fury’s Dream (118)
Glen David Gold: Oui, je regrette presque tout (134)
Lydia Millet: Slumberland (154)
Tom Piazza: Kltpzyxm! (166)
Chris Offutt: NoMan Was My Man (178)
Greil Marcus: The Man on the Street (188)
Myla Goldberg: The Exquisite Strangeness and Estrangement of Renée French and Chris Ware (196)
Andrew Hultkrans: Steve Ditko’s Hands (208)

Acknowledgments (226)
About the Contributors (227)

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