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Spiggle, Susan. "Measuring Social Values: A Content Analysis of Sunday Comics and Underground Comix." Journal of Consumer Research 13. (1986): 100–13. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/14/13, 12:47 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Spiggle1986
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Categories: General
Keywords: Comic strip, Empirical research, Sociology, Statistics, Themes and motives, Underground Comics
Creators: Spiggle
Collection: Journal of Consumer Research
Views: 9/1001
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This research seeks to document the social distribution of materialism as a value in American society by content-analyzing character and commercial symbols in Sunday comic strips and underground comix books. Unexpectedly, underground comix showed more concern with and more positive portrayal of materialism and more endorsement of wealth and material comfort as goals. The findings indicate the pervasiveness of a consumer culture in the mid-twentieth century and suggest that the baby boom generation, reared in material abundance, may be unabashedly materialistic. Content analysis of media such as comic art is advocated as a technique for measuring the distribution of social values of concern to consumer researchers.
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