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Raphael, Jordan and Tom Spurgeon. Stan Lee and the Rise and Fall of the American Comic Book. Chicago Review Pr. 2003. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/14/13, 11:02 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1556525060
BibTeX citation key: Raphael2003
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Categories: General
Keywords: Biography, Lee. Stan, Marvel, Publishing, Superhero, USA
Creators: Raphael, Spurgeon
Publisher: Chicago Review Pr.
Views: 11/673
Based on interviews with Lee and colleagues and contemporaries, as well as extensive archival research, this book provides a professional history, an appreciation, and a critical exploration of the face of Marvel Comics. Recognized as a dazzling writer, a skilled editor, a relentless self-promoter, a credit hog, and a huckster, Stan Lee rose from his humble beginnings to ride the wave of the 1940s comics books boom and witness the current motion picture madness and comic industry woes. Included is a complete examination of the rise of Marvel Comics, Lee's work in the years of postwar prosperity, and his efforts in the 1960s to revitalize the medium after it had grown stale.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Acknowledgments (ix)
Prologue (xi)

I “From Humble Beginnings …”
1. Stanley Lieber (3)
2. Martin’s Cousin-in-Law (10)
3. Stan Lee, Playwright (19)

II "Excelsior!”
4. Bring on the Bad Guy (37)
5. The Biggest Comic-Book Company in North America (49)
6. Jolly Jack and Sturdy Steve (64)
7. The Escapist (72)

III “The Marvel Age of Comics Has Truly Begun”
8. The World’s Greatest Comic Magazine (81)
9. Secret Origins (86)
10. What Marvel Did (95)

IV “A Marvel Pop-Art Production”
11. Live and on Campus (109)
12. Stan Lee, Editor (116)
13. Moving on Up (126)

V “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”
14. Friends of New Marvel (137)
15. Building the Brand (157)

VI “Flame On!”
16. Stan Lee, Author (171)
17. Stan in Hollywood (184)

VII “This Man, this Monster”
18. The Evil Empire (201)
19. Step Right Up! (213)

VIII “It’s Clobberin’ Time!”
20. In Stan’s Image (233)
21. Millionaire on Paper (247)

IX “If This Be My Destiny”
22. Stan the Man (259)
23. Ever Upward (266)

Source Note (271)
Index (289)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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