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Reingold, Matt. "Golems in the New World." Fafnir 6. 1 2019. Accessed 18Jan. 2025. <https://journal.finfar. ... olems-in-the-new-world/>. 
Added by: joachim (1/18/25, 3:42 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/18/25, 3:43 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Reingold2019a
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Categories: General
Keywords: "El silencio de Malka", "The Golem’s Mighty Swing", Argentina, Judaism, Pellejero. Rubén, Spain (country), Sturm. James, USA, Zentner. Jorge
Creators: Reingold
Collection: Fafnir
Views: 21/51
Attachments   URLs ... -in-the-new-world/
This essay considers the ways that the legend of the Jewish Golem has been used in two recent graphic novels. The original legends of the Golem presented him as a creature that would protect the Jews of Prague against anti-Semitism and persecution in the 16thcentury, while leaving open the possibility that he could return again in the future. Both James Sturm’s The Golem’s Mighty Swing and Jorge Zentner and Rubén Pellejero’s The Silence of Malka make use of many of the original tropes of the Golem narrative, but by making significant changes to the story including location, time period, and even what a Golem is, the texts offer new ways of understanding the Golem legend. These narratives suggest that despite immense progress for global Jewry since the 16thcentury, a Golem – albeit a new one – is still needed to protect Jews, sometimes even from themselves.
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