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Webb, Liam. "Platinum and early Golden Age comics: Comics as literary magazines in the 1930s and 1940s." The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine. Ed. Tim Lanzendörfer. London, New York: Routledge, 2021. 356–63. 
Added by: joachim (5/23/24, 12:18 PM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.4324/9780429274244-38
BibTeX citation key: Webb2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: Format, Historical account, USA
Creators: Lanzendörfer, Webb
Publisher: Routledge (London, New York)
Collection: The Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine
Views: 19/491
Late Platinum and early Golden Age comic books mimicked the formats of children’s literary magazines while also mixing in elements of “slam bang” pulp storytelling, and cinematic, yet less openly violent, visuals as the comics went on. “Comic book” is the name for a collection of original fiction stories written in text, art, and often both, printed in an anthology format of mixed or single genre and sold to the public as a periodical magazine on a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly basis—which, not coincidentally, sounds very much like a children’s literary magazine. Comics have become firmly grounded in contemporary literary discourse: they are part of English department syllabi, public roundtables, and comic’s theory is discussed in prestigious academic journals. Comics underwent significant change in form from 1935 to 1940, dropping many of the items they imported from literary magazines.
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