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Mehrbrey, Sophie. "»We’re all haunted by our choices« – die Verhandlung ethischer Leitlinien in Snowpiercer." Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 10. (2022): 1–25. 
Added by: joachim (6/19/23, 4:32 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/19/23, 4:39 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: de: Deutsch
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Mehrbrey2022
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Le Transperceneige", Adaptation, Ecology, Ethics, France, Gender, Lob. Jacques, Rochette. Jean-Marc, TV
Creators: Mehrbrey
Collection: Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung
Views: 34/887
The series Snowpiercer (2020– ) deals with the social restructuring processes on board the ›Snowpiercer‹. This paper investigates the socio-political structures of the train and the modalities of the protagonists’ ethical decision-making. In a world frozen to -120°C, the last humans seek to survive on this 1001-wagon-long train, whose constant movement is the guarantor of the energy supply necessary to withstand the cold. The series takes up collective ethical questions and discusses them within the framework of a dystopian scenario. In doing so, the series confronts two antagonistic heroes, whose actions are emblematic of two completely different ethical world views. While Andre Layton strives for social justice and freedom for the train’s underclass, Melanie Cavill pursues a system-ethical approach that gives top priority to the smooth running of operations. The study will emphasize a gender studies perspective as the invention of Cavill as a female leader is of particular interest for the analysis of decision-making.
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