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Venkatesan, Sathyaraj and Chinmay Murali. "“It just went wrong, as bodies are prone to do” Graphic Medicine and the Trauma of Miscarriage." Journal of Medical Humanities 42. (2021): 763–75. 
Added by: joachim (12/11/21, 12:13 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/11/21, 12:15 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1007/s10912-020-09666-y
BibTeX citation key: Venkatesan2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: Autobiography, Medicine, Themes and motives
Creators: Murali, Venkatesan
Collection: Journal of Medical Humanities
Views: 29/1699
The conspicuous absence of personal articulations of miscarriage in mainstream discourses attests to the stigmatised nature of the experience. Notably, there exists a growing body of infertility comics which foreground the authors’ lived realities of miscarriage. In a close reading of select graphic memoirs such as Jenell Johnson’s Present/Perfect, Paula Knight’s The Facts of Life, Phoebe Potts’ Good Eggs, and Diane Noomin’s Baby Talk, this article examines how the authors use comics to foreground their predicament. In so doing, the essay argues that these narratives attempt to accord a cultural legitimacy to the hitherto silenced experiential realities of miscarriage.
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