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Szawerna, Michał. "A Peircean characterization of the semiotic properties of selected visual signs found in comics." Ars Aeterna 5. (2013): 51–72. 
Added by: joachim (5/17/21, 2:21 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Szawerna2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Intermediality, Language, Peirce. Charles S., Semiotics
Creators: Szawerna
Collection: Ars Aeterna
Views: 16/447
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Michał Szawerna’s article is rather theoretical in its nature; it provides a fascinating, in-depth insight into the inner workings of comics with the focus placed on the characterization of visual signs. His research is informed by semiotics and based on Peirce’s conception of the sign. As the author suggests in his introductory paragraphs, the aim of his paper “is to formulate a Peircean characterization of a broad array of visual signs commonly found in comics in terms of their indexicality, iconicity, and symbolicity.” By comparing these concepts and his understanding of them to those of other well-known theoreticians, Szawerna presents a “comprehensive semiotic characterization of the relations between a broad array of visual signs found in comics and the multiple referents they relate to.”
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