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Serrano, Nhora Lucía, ed. Immigrants and Comics: Graphic Spaces of Remembrance, Transaction, and Mimesis. Routledge Advances in Comics Studies. London, New York: Routledge, 2021. 
Added by: joachim (3/25/21, 12:53 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781138186156
BibTeX citation key: Serrano2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Memoria, Migration
Creators: Serrano
Publisher: Routledge (London, New York)
Views: 6/1280
Immigrants and Comics is an interdisciplinary, themed anthology that focuses on how comics have played a crucial role in representing, constructing, and reifying the immigrant subject and the immigrant experience in popular global culture of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Nhora Lucía Serrano and a diverse group of contributors examine immigrant experience as they navigate new socio-political milieux in cartoons, comics, and graphic novels across cultures and time periods. They interrogate how immigration is portrayed in comics and how the ‘immigrant’ was an indispensable and vital trope to the development of the comics medium in the twentieth century. At the heart of the book‘s interdisciplinary nexus is a critical framework steeped in the ideas of remembrance and commemoration, what Pierre Nora calls lieux de mémoire.

Table of Contents

Frederick Luis Aldama: Foreword: "Comics as Movement; Comics as Planetary Healing"
Nhora Lucía Serrano: Introduction: In the Shadow of Liberty: Immigration and the Graphic Space

Part I: Shaping Comic Traditions, Portraying Immigrants
1. Fabrice Leroy: Of Birds and Men: Metonymic and Symbolic Representations of Immigration in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival 
2. Brian Cremins: "How Quickly We Forget": Immigration and Family Narrative in James Sturm's The Golem's Mighty Swing and Unstable Molecules
3. Nhora Lucía Serrano: Postcards from the Past: The 1893 Chicago World Fair and Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
4. David M. Ball: From Immigrants to Filibusters: The Curious Case of R. F. Outcault's Yellow Kid
5. Mark McKinney: Naming the Place and Telling the Story in Demain, demain: Nanterre, bidonville de la Folie, 1962–1966 by Laurent Maffre
6. Susan Kirtley: More than a Cockroach: Dreaming and Surviving in Will Eisner's A Life Force
7. Nicholas Theisen: Stranded by Empire: The Forced Migrants in Shirato Sanpei's Kieyuku sho-jo

Part II: Border Crossings, Immigrant Identity
8. Christopher Conway: Once Upon a Time on the Border: Immigration and Mexican Comic Book Westerns
9. Michelle Bumatay: Picturing the (Silent) History of Immigration in France and in French Bandes Dessinées
10. Jan Baetens and Hugo Frey: Brodeck’s Report (Manu Larcenet): A Study in Intermediality
11. Mauricio Espinoza: Migra Mouse: Satire and Hybridity as Latino/a Decolonial Acts
12. Catriona MacLeod: Tracing Trauma: Questioning Understanding of Clandestine Migration in Amazigh: itinéraire d’hommes libres
13. Candida Rifkind: Immigration, Photography, and the Color Line in Lila Quintero Weaver’s Darkroom: A Memoir in Black & White
14. Johnathan Flowers: African Diaspora and Black Bodies: X-Men’s Storm

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