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Gavaler, Chris and Nathaniel Goldberg. Superhero Thought Experiments: Comic Book Philosophy. Iowa City: Univ. of Iowa Press, 2019. 
Added by: joachim (2/18/21, 8:46 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/18/21, 9:22 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvn5twvb
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781609386559
BibTeX citation key: Gavaler2019a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Philosophy, Superhero, USA
Creators: Gavaler, Goldberg
Publisher: Univ. of Iowa Press (Iowa City)
Views: 34/810
Examining the deep philosophical topics addressed in superhero comics, authors Gavaler and Goldberg read plot lines for the complex thought experiments they contain and analyze their implications as if the comic authors were philosophers. Reading superhero comic books through a philosophical lens reveals how they experiment with complex issues of morality, metaphysics, meaning, and medium. Given comics’ ubiquity and influence directly on (especially young) readers—and indirectly on consumers of superhero movies and video games—understanding these deeper meanings is in many ways essential to understanding contemporary popular culture. The result is an entertaining and enlightening look at superhero dilemmas.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)

Introduction (1)

I. Morality
1. Superconsequences vs. Dark Duties (15)
2. What Good Are Superheroes? (37)

II. Metaphysics
3. Evil Geniuses (57)
4. Clobberin’ Time (77)

III. Meaning
5. Referential Retcons vs. Descriptivist Reboots (105)
6. Minding the Swamp (127)

IV. Medium
7. Caped Communicators (147)
8. True Believers (171)

Conclusion: “Comico, ergo sum!” (193)

Works Cited (203)
Index (213)

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