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Moula, Evangelia, Tharrenos Bratitsis, and Sofia Chalkia. "Adapting Literature Into Comics and Comparing Hand-Made Comics With Digital-Made Ones." Journal of Literature and Art Studies 8. (2018): 1450–58. 
Added by: joachim (9/27/20, 12:51 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.17265/2159-5836/2018.10.003
BibTeX citation key: Moula2018a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Didactics, Digitalization, Empirical research
Creators: Bratitsis, Chalkia, Moula
Collection: Journal of Literature and Art Studies
Views: 10/784
In this study we explore the relationship between literature and comics, through the transcription of a literary text into comics, and we examine the contribution of a preceded intervention-familiarization with comics to the students’ comics by drawing by hand and by creating them in the Cartoon Story Maker digital environment, aiming at comparing and evaluating the potential of the two media. Literature review reveals that the majority of the educational studies referring to the use of comics in education and the creation of digital comics by students, sets objectives, mainly adjusted to the teaching subject or even to pedagogical issues. On the other hand, they completely bypass the theoretical agenda of comic books and do not ensure a more substantial acquaintance with the comic book itself and the conventions or the meaning making mechanisms of the medium. Thus, we decided to conduct this study in order to fill the gap in the existing literature. According to the findings, the preceding teaching intervention had been constructive but the digital tool’s technical restrictions prohibited the full making use of the acquired knowledge concerning the language of comics. The hand-made comics were more imaginative and detailed in certain statistically significant factors. Regarding the relationship between the literary text and comics, the students adapted the literary language to the media specifications, remaining in both cases, mostly faithful to the main structure of the text.
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