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Cesaretti, Enrico. "‘Il Giocattolo Futurista’: Futurism and Fumetti." Romance Studies 21. (2003): 191–202. 
Added by: joachim (8/8/20, 5:33 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/8/20, 5:48 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1179/ros.2003.21.3.191
BibTeX citation key: Cesaretti2003
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Categories: General
Keywords: Italy, Literature, Marinetti. Filippo Tommaso, Popular culture
Creators: Cesaretti
Collection: Romance Studies
Views: 30/1077
This essay explores the relationship between Futurism and that sub-universe of the graphic and visual arts represented by comic strips and comic books during the 1930s and the 1940s. I use the Manifesto della ricostruzione futurista dell'universo (1915) by Balla and Depero and the Manifesto della letteratura giovanile (1938), one of F. T. Marinetti's less studied manifestos, as keys to approaching the topic rather than search for theoretically weak connections between the Futurist hybrid universe of 'words and images' and the world of comics or for the equally challenging identification of a specific Futurist illustrating style within the fumetti of this period. The analysis of an exemplary 'storia a fumetti' vis-à-vis these manifestos allows us to witness not only the overlapping of Futurist and Fascist iconography but also to better interpret some of the potential implications of the interactions between 'high' and 'low' manifestations of culture in these decades.
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