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Busi Rizzi, Giorgio. "Last Stop: This Town: Sameness, Suburbs and Spectrality in Daniel Clowes’s Ghost World." Between 8. 15 2018. Accessed 6Sep. 2018. < ... tween/article/view/3239>. 
Added by: joachim (9/6/18, 8:02 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.13125/2039-6597/3239
BibTeX citation key: BusiRizzi2018a
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Ghost World", Alternative Comics, Clowes. Daniel, Space, USA
Creators: Busi Rizzi
Collection: Between
Views: 3/891
Attachments   URLs   http://ojs.unica.i ... /article/view/3239
Ghost World (1997) is a graphic novel by Daniel Clowes. Two teenage girls, having ended high school, confront with the passage to adult life in a spectral American suburbia scattered with non-places: diners, shopping malls, vinyl and comic stores. From their own bedrooms, the two spend their time cynically commenting the fatuity of US pop culture, trapped between a haunting past and an uncertain future. This contribution intends to discuss space in Ghost World from three main perspectives, concerning the material book, the visual level (page layout, framing, colors) and the diegetical one (investigating spaces inside the story).
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