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Bettinson, Gary. Superman: The Movie: The 40th Anniversary Interviews. Bristol, Chicago: Intellect Books, 2018. 
Added by: joachim (8/1/18, 4:56 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/11/21, 4:32 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781783209590
BibTeX citation key: Bettinson2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Superman", Adaptation, Film adaptation, Interview, Superhero, USA
Creators: Bettinson
Publisher: Intellect Books (Bristol, Chicago)
Views: 53/1238
Attachments   Table of Contents [1/156]
At a moment when superheroes dominate pop culture, Gary Bettinson takes us back to the first comic book blockbuster. Superman: The Movie – The 40th Anniversary Interviews takes us behind the scenes to reveal the personalities and expertise that went into making this landmark of Hollywood cinema.
Marking forty years since the film’s release, this book presents original interview transcripts with the cast and crew. It serves as a rare insider account of an acclaimed blockbuster that was steeped in controversy throughout production, from its record-breaking budget to conflicts between the director and producers. With refreshing candour, the interviewees cast light on the daily realities on set, as well as on the film’s release and reception. Beginning with the film’s inception and continuing through its runaway success, this book provides valuable insights into the practical logistics and day-to-day realities of mounting a big-budget production, at a time when high-concept Hollywood blockbusters were only just emerging as a genre.
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