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Giddens, Thomas. On Comics and Legal Aesthetics: Multimodality and the Haunted Mask of Knowing. Discourses of Law. London, New York: Routledge, 2018. 
Added by: joachim (5/9/18, 1:15 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/9/18, 1:16 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781138224032
BibTeX citation key: Giddens2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: Intermediality, Justice
Creators: Giddens
Publisher: Routledge (London, New York)
Views: 17/1087
What are the implications of comics for law? Tackling this question, On Comics and Legal Aesthetics explores the epistemological dimensions of comics and the way this once-maligned medium can help think about – and reshape – the form of law. Traversing comics, critical, and cultural legal studies, it seeks to enrich the theorisation of comics with a critical aesthetics that expands its value and significance for law, as well as knowledge more generally. It argues that comics’ multimodality – its hybrid structure, which represents a meeting point of text, image, reason, and aesthetics – opens understanding of the limits of law’s rational texts by shifting between multiple frames and modes of presentation. Comics thereby exposes the way all forms of knowledge are shaped out of an unstructured universe, becoming a mask over this chaotic ‘beyond’. This mask of knowing remains haunted – by that which it can never fully capture or represent. Comics thus models knowledge as an infinity of nested frames haunted by the chaos without structure. In such a model, the multiple aspects of law become one region of a vast and bottomless cascade of perspectives – an infinite multiframe that extends far beyond the traditional confines of the comics page, rendering law boundless.

Table of Contents

List of figures (ix)
Acknowledgments (xi)
Preface (xiii)

1. On comics and other ways of knowing (1)
Drawing the frame (2)
– Cultural legal aesthetics (2)
– Comics and conscious legality (6)
Komos and nomos (14)
– On the form of comics (14)

2. A ghostless machine (28)
Cyborg aesthetics (29)
– Human/technology (29)
– Ghosts and shells (37)
Disciplinary aesthetics (44)
– Regulating the ghost (44)
– Following the strings (51)

3. The Irrational threat (62)
Madness and aesthetics (63)
– Street bat, phenomenal city (63)
– Into the Asylum (70)
Headless lawyers (79)
– The maze that dreams (79)
– Remember madness (85)

4. Horrific jurisprudence (97)
Call of the cultural-legal (98)
– The horrific sublime (98)
– New law of images (105)
Judging in the abyss (114)
– The dread lawman (114)
– Sleep of the jurist (121)

5. On haunted masks (139)
Masca lex (140)
– Nostalgia (140)
– Behind the mask (145)
Invisible images (153)
– The watcher that judges (153)
– Other scenes of judgment (160)

6. Redrawing the law (171)
Drawing the world (175)
– Jurisdiction, mapping, knowing (175)
– Of maps and monsters (186)
The haunted multiframe (192)
– Towards a multimodal law (192)
– Into the Dreaming (201)

Appendix A: Details of comics discussed (213)
Appendix B: Text from figures (222)
Index (225)

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