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Grace, Dominick and Eric Hoffman, eds. The Canadian Alternative: Cartoonists, Comics, and Graphic Novels. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2017. 
Added by: joachim (6/22/17, 12:13 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1496815114
BibTeX citation key: Grace2017
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Categories: General
Keywords: Canada, Collection of essays
Creators: Grace, Hoffman
Publisher: Univ. Press of Mississippi (Jackson)
Views: 7/756
This overview of the history of Canadian comics explores acclaimed as well as unfamiliar artists. Contributors look at the myriad ways that English-language, Francophone, indigenous, and queer Canadian comics and cartoonists pose alternatives to American comics, to dominant perceptions, even to gender and racial categories.
In contrast to the United States’ melting pot, Canada has been understood to comprise a social, cultural, and ethnic mosaic, with distinct cultural variation as part of its identity. This volume reveals differences that often reflect in highly regional and localized comics such as Paul MacKinnon’s Cape Breton–specific Old Trout Funnies, Michel Rabagliati’s Montreal-based Paul comics, and Kurt Martell and Christopher Merkley’s Thunder Bay–specific zombie apocalypse.
The collection also considers some of the conventionally “alternative” cartoonists, namely Seth, Dave Sim, and Chester Brown. It offers alternate views of the diverse and engaging work of two very different Canadian cartoonists who bring their own alternatives into play: Jeff Lemire in his bridging of Canadian/US and mainstream/alternative sensibilities and Nina Bunjevac in her own blending of realism and fantasy as well as of insider/outsider status. Despite an upsurge in research on Canadian comics, there is still remarkably little written about most major and all minor Canadian cartoonists. This volume provides insight into some of the lesser-known Canadian alternatives still awaiting full exploration.

Table of Contents

Introduction. Comics in Canada (IX)

I. Alternative History
1. Ivan Kocmarek: Alternatives within an Alternative Form. Canadian Wartime Creators Bus Griffiths, Avrom Yanovsky, “Ab Normal,” Tedd Steele, and Jack Tremblay (3)
2. Mark J. McLaughlin: The State as Alternative. Conceptualizing the Historical Role of Government Comics in Canada (16)
3. Jason Sacks: Gene Day. The Man Who Never Slowed Down (35)

II. Alternative Worlds
4. Ian Brodie: Paul “Moose” MacKinnon and an Alternative Cape Breton (53)
5. Paddy Johnston: Michel Gets a Comics Job. Cartooning, Labor, and Notions of the Alternative in the Comics of Michel Rabagliati (70)
6. Annick Pellegrin: Vicky. Young, Rich, Popular, Sexy, Gay, and Unhappy (83)
7. Judith Leggatt: Nowadays and the Free Will Zombie Apocalypse (98)
8. Jessica Langston: “Once Upon a Time This Was a True Story”. Indigenous Peoples Graphic Novels and Orature (113)

III. Alternative Comics
9. Eric Hoffman: Cerebus the Canadian. Frontier Survivalism and Victimhood in Sim and Gerhard’s Epic (129)
10. Dominick Grace: Seth’s It’s a Good Life, If You Don’t Weaken as Anti-Nostalgia (150)
11. Jordan Bolay: Louis Riel, Super-History Hero. The Politics of Representation in Chester Brown’s Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography (162)
12. Daniel Marrone: Hark! Anachronism. Kate Beaton’s Historiographic Metafiction (176)
13. Ruth-Ellen St. Onge: Ray Fawkes’s Formal and Stylistic Shifts in the Field of Comic Book Production (189)

IV. Alternative Perspectives
14. Mihaela Precup: “To Dream of Birds”. Autobiography, Photography, and Memory in Nina Bunjevac’s “August, 1977” and Fatherland (207)
15. Laura A. Pearson: Alternative Paradoxes in Heartless. The Bound and Transcultural Catwoman in Nina Bunjevac’s “Bitter Tears of Zorka Petrovic” (224)
16. Joan Ormrod: The Postcolonial Enterprise of Trillium. Maps, Language, Histories, and Multilateral Consciousness (245)
17. Jocelyn Sakal Froese: Making Space for Making Space. Jeff Lemire’s Essex County and the Canadian Alternative (261)

Notes about Contributors (275)
Index (278)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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