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Miller, Ann. "Les héritiers d’Hergé: The figure of the aventurier in a post-colonial context." Shifting Frontiers of France and Francophonie. Eds. Yvette Rocheron and Christopher Rolfe. Bern [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2004. 307–24. 
Added by: joachim (8/18/16, 10:47 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/18/16, 11:07 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Miller2004c
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Categories: General
Keywords: Adventure comics, France, Postcolonialism
Creators: Miller, Rocheron, Rolfe
Publisher: Peter Lang (Bern [etc.])
Collection: Shifting Frontiers of France and Francophonie
Views: 28/1277
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