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Groensteen, Thierry. "The Art of Braiding: A Clarification." European Comic Art 9. (2016): 88–98. 
Added by: joachim (8/10/16, 11:47 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.3167/eca.2016.090105
BibTeX citation key: Groensteen2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: Caran d’Ache, Comics research, Early forms of comics, France, Groensteen. Thierry, Intertextuality, Poiré. Emmanuel, Semiotics
Creators: Groensteen
Collection: European Comic Art
Views: 49/1313
In this article, Groensteen sets out to clarify the concept of braiding, first elaborated (as tressage) in his 1999 work Système de la bande dessinée [The System of Comics]. He aims in particular to correct some misunderstandings that have arisen in the work of scholars who have taken the concept up. Not all comics deploy braiding, and in the case of those that do, it is quite possible for the reader to remain unaware of it (as s/he may be unaware of intertextual borrowings) and still find intelligibility at the narrative level. Moreover, braiding is always a supplement, never an essential element of the narrative (most repetitions are not instances of braiding, but have narrative functionality), and it must serve to deepen and enrich our reading of the comic. There are degrees of braiding: it can involve a small (a minimum of two) number of elements, or many more, and it can be more or less resonant for the reader. An early example, taken from Caran d’Ache, suggests that braiding was part of the medium’s formal repertoire from the outset.
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