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Czerwiec, MK., et al. Graphic Medicine Manifesto. Graphic Medicine. University Park: Penn State Univ. Press, 2015. 
Added by: joachim (4/23/16, 2:38 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-271-06649-3
BibTeX citation key: Czerwiec2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Illness, Medicine
Creators: Czerwiec, Green, Myers, Smith, Squier, Williams
Publisher: Penn State Univ. Press (University Park)
Views: 18/1286
This inaugural volume in the Graphic Medicine series establishes the principles of graphic medicine and begins to map the field. The volume combines scholarly essays by members of the editorial team with previously unpublished visual narratives by Ian Williams and MK Czerwiec, and it includes arresting visual work from a wide range of graphic medicine practitioners. The book’s first section, featuring essays by Scott Smith and Susan Squier, argues that as a new area of scholarship, research on graphic medicine has the potential to challenge the conventional boundaries of academic disciplines, raise questions about their foundations, and reinvigorate literary scholarship—and the notion of the literary text—for a broader audience. The second section, incorporating essays by Michael Green and Kimberly Myers, demonstrates that graphic medicine narratives can engage members of the health professions with literary and visual representations and symbolic practices that offer patients, family members, physicians, and other caregivers new ways to experience and work with the complex challenges of the medical experience. The final section, by Ian Williams and MK Czerwiec, focuses on the practice of creating graphic narratives, iconography, drawing as a social practice, and the nature of comics as visual rhetoric. A conclusion (in comics form) testifies to the diverse and growing graphic medicine community. Two valuable bibliographies guide readers to comics and scholarly works relevant to the field.

Table of Contents

MK Czerwiec and Ian Williams: Introduction

1. Scott T. Smith: Who Gets to Speak? The Making of Comics Scholarship
– Excerpt from Swallow Me Whole, by Nate Powell
2. Susan Merrill Squier: The Uses of Graphic Medicine for Engaged Scholarship
– Ruben Bolling: “Bad Blastocyst”
– Excerpts from I Am Not These Feet, by Kaisa Leka
– Excerpts from “Where Babies Come From: A Miracle Explained,” by Ann Starr
3. Michael J. Green: Graphic Storytelling and Medical Narrative: The Use of Graphic Novels in Medical Education
– Excerpt from The Infinite Wait, by Julia Wertz
4. Kimberly R. Myers: Graphic Pathography in the Classroom and the Clinic: A Case Study
Ashley L. Pistorio: Vita Perseverat (Life Goes On)
5. Ian Williams: Comics and the Iconography of Illness
– Excerpt from The Nao of Brown by Glyn Dillon
6. MK Czerwiec: The Crayon Revolution
– Excerpt from Cancer Made Me a Shallower Person, by Miriam Engelberg
– Excerpt from Old Person Whisperer, by Muna Al-Jawad

MK Czerwiec and Ian Williams: Conclusion

Selected Bibliography
Comics Bibliography
Author Biographies and Acknowledgments

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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