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Brandt, Susanne. "»Der Krieg sind wir« – eine vielschichtige Debatte um den Ersten Weltkrieg in Notre Mère la Guerre." Comparativ 24. (2014): 59–79. 
Added by: joachim (2/21/15, 11:46 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/14/17, 11:52 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: de: Deutsch
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Brandt2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Notre Mère la Guerre", Crime comics, France, Goret. Christophe, Kris, Leclerc. Martin, Maël, War
Creators: Brandt
Collection: Comparativ
Views: 18/1261
“Only if you understand war, will you find the murderer“, said Kris, the author of Notre Mère la Guerre. The comic tells the story of a serial killer who brutally murders four young women in the winter of 1915 in the French Champagne region. The comic is at first appearance a crime story. However, the authors Kris and Maël offer the reader a well-researched, manifold and terrifying panorama of World War I. During extensive research in archives and museums, the authors have studied the main historical works about World War I, as well as research works about the brutalization of politics between the wars. “We wanted to make war comprehensible to the readers; we wanted the readers to immerse themselves slowly and deeply into the question of what war really is. For us, the question is not only who is the murderer, but, most essentially, why does he kill?”
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