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Brown, Kieron Michael. "Musical Sequences in Comics." The Comics Grid 3. 9 2013. Accessed 26Jun. 2014. <>. 
Added by: joachim (6/26/14, 1:34 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/20/16, 7:37 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.5334/cg.aj
BibTeX citation key: Brown2013a
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Cages", "Scott Pilgrim", "V for Vendetta", Canada, Intermediality, Lloyd. David, McKean. Dave, Moore. Alan, Music, O’Malley. Bryan Lee, United Kingdom
Creators: Brown
Collection: The Comics Grid
Views: 31/1628
Attachments   URLs   http://www.comicsg ... article/view/cg.aj
Critical attention paid to the media of music and comics has historically focused on parallels between the temporal rhythm and pacing of music and the implied rhythm and temporality of comics (Eisner 2008, Godek 2007). Recent attention has begun to focus on both comics’ potential to represent the character of music (Whitted 2011) and the effects of musical images and themes on comics’ narratology (Peters 2013).
I suggest that analyses of comics that combine the traditional interplay of image and word with the use of elements of musical notation are able to shed further light on each of these areas, via the connotations and conventions of symbols pulled exclusively from the realms of music, and their integration with the other elements of the page in sequence.
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