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Miller, Ann and Bart Beaty, eds. The French Comics Theory Reader. Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, 2014. 
Added by: joachim (6/3/14, 7:39 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/1/16, 2:06 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9789058679888
BibTeX citation key: Miller2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays
Creators: Beaty, Miller
Publisher: Leuven Univ. Press (Leuven)
Views: 11/1122
The French Comics Theory Reader presents a collection of key theoretical texts on comics, spanning a period from the 1960s to the 2010s, written in French and never before translated into English. The publication brings a distinctive set of authors together uniting theoretical scholars, artists, journalists, and comics critics. Readers will gain access to important debates that have taken place among major French-language comics scholars, including Thierry Groensteen, Benoît Peeters, Jan Baetens, and Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle, over the past fifty years. The collection covers a broad range of approaches to the medium, including historical, formal, sociological, philosophical, and psychoanalytic. A general introduction provides an overall context, and, in addition, each of the four thematic sections is prefaced by a brief summary of each text and an explanation of how they have influenced later work. The translations are faithful to the originals while reading clearly in English, and, where necessary, cultural references are clarified.

Table of Contents

The French Comics Theory Reader: General Introduction

Section One: Origins and Definitions
Jean-Claude Glasser: The Origin of the Term ‘Bande Dessinée’ (1988)
Gérard Blanchard: The Origins of Stories in Images (1969)
Francis Lacassin: Dictionary Definition (1971)
Thierry Smolderen: Graphic Hybridization, the Crucible of Comics (2013)
Thierry Groensteen: The Elusive Specificity (1986)
Sylvain Bouyer: There is no Specificity at the Number you have Dialled (1986)
Sylvain Bouyer: Comics and Specificity: Concerning an Article Written in 1986 (2012)
Thierry Groensteen: Definitions (2012)

Section Two: Formal Approaches to the Study of Comics
Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle: From Linear to Tabular (1976)
Pierre Sterckx: The Magnifying Glass or the Sponge (1986)
Jacques Samson: Modern Pictorial Enunciative Strategies (1988)
Thierry Groensteen: Narration as Supplement: an Archaeology of the Infra-Narrative Foundations of Comics (1988)
Jan Baetens and Pascal Lefèvre: Texts and Images (1993)
Jan Baetens and Pascal Lefèvre: The Work and its Surround (1993)

Section Three: French Comics Criticism
Bruno Lecigne and Jean-Pierre Tamine: Modern Realism (1983)
Harry Morgan and Manuel Hirtz: Jack Kirby’s Apocalypses (2009)
Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle: Image Readings (2009)
Michel Serres: Laughter: the Absent-Minded Jewels or the Bold Prima Donna (1970)
Benoît Peeters: Reading Tintin: The Stolen Jewels (1984/2007)
Serge Tisseron: Bianca Castafiore or The Woman and her Jewel (1985)

Section Four: Reading the French Comics Industry
Luc Boltanski: The Constitution of the Comics Field (1975)
Pascal Ory: The New Disorder (2002)
Erwin Dejasse and Philippe Capart: In Search of the Lost Serial (2009)
Barthélémy Schwartz: On Indigence (1986)
Jean-Christophe Menu: Stay off my Patch (2005)

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