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Gravett, Paul, ed. Cult Fiction: Art and Comics. London: Hayward Gallery Publ. 2006. 
Added by: joachim (3/28/14, 8:31 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1853322601
BibTeX citation key: Gravett2006a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Comics in art, Exhibition catalogue
Creators: Gravett
Publisher: Hayward Gallery Publ. (London)
Views: 30/1080
Cult Fiction is a catalogue supporting the Hayward Gallery touring exhibition of the same name, which explored the reciprocal relationship between comics and art and featured works where current social and political issues are aired in frank visual narratives. Cult Fiction was originated by artist and curator, Kim L. Pace, and co-curated with Hayward curator Emma Mahony.
A fully illustrated catalogue, designed by Jacob Covey, Art Director of Fantagraphics Books, featuring essays by Paul Gravett and Emma Mahony and a picture-essay by Kim L. Pace. All of the participating artists in Cult Fiction have contributed a drawn self-portrait together with their handwritten answers to questions posed by the curators.
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