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Babic, Annessa Ann, ed. Comics as History, Comics as Literature: Roles of the Comic Book in Scholarship, Society, and Entertainment. Madison [etc.]: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 2014. 
Added by: joachim (1/23/14, 4:51 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/11/14, 11:45 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Babic2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays
Creators: Babic
Publisher: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press (Madison [etc.])
Views: 40/1222
This anthology hosts a collection of essays examining the role of comics as portals for historical and academic content, while keeping the approach on an international market versus the American one. Few resources currently exist showing the cross-disciplinary aspects of comics. Some of the chapters examine the use of Wonder Woman during World War II, the development and culture of French comics, and theories of Locke and Hobbes in regards to the state of nature and the bonds of community. More so, the continual use of comics for the retelling of classic tales and current events demonstrates that the genre has long passed the phase of for children’s eyes only. Additionally, this anthology also weaves graphic novels into the dialogue with comics.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)

Annessa Ann Babic: Introduction (1)

1. Henri-Simon Blanc-Hoàng: Antiquity and Bandes Dessinées: Schizophrenic Nationalism Between Atlanticism and Marxism (15)
2. Guillaume de Syon: Did You Learn Your Strip?: The History of France as Comic Fad in the 1970s (33)
3. Annick Pellegrin: “Ils sont fous ces Gaulois!”: Astérix, Lucky Luke, Freedom Fries, and the Love-Hate Relationship Between France and the United States (47)
4. Melanie Huska: Image and Text in Service of the Nation: Historically-themed Comic Books as Civic Education in 1980s Mexico (65)
5. Peter Lee: Who is Diana Prince?: The Amazon Army Nurse of World War II (79)
6. Annessa Ann Babic: Wonder Woman as Patriotic Icon: The Amazon Princess for the Nation and Femininity (93)
7. James C. Lethbridge: Comic Containment: No Laughing Matter (107)
8. Lynda Goldstein: Graphic/Narrative/History: Defining the Essential Experience(s) of 9/11 (123)
9. Kara M. Kvaran: SuperGay!: Depictions of Homosexuality in Mainstream Superhero Comics (141)
10. Micah Rueber: The Man in the Gray Metal Suit: Dr. Doom, the Fantastic Four, and the Costs of Conformity (157)
11. Christina Dokou: Seen City: Frank Miller’s Re-Imaging as a Cinematic “New Real” (171)
12. Faiz Sheikh: The Zombie Apocalypse: A Fictional State of Nature? (195)
13. Beatrice Skordili: Logicomix and the Enunciatory Apparatus (209)

Works Cited (231)
Index (249)
About the Contributors (259)

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