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Hoffman, Donna R. and Alison D. Howard. "Representations of 9-11 in Editorial Cartoons." PS: Political Science and Politics 40. (2007): 271–74. 
Added by: joachim (7/25/13, 11:02 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1017/S1049096507070424
BibTeX citation key: Hoffman2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: 9/11, Caricature, Denmark, Kulturpolitik, Randformen des Comics, USA
Creators: Hoffman, Howard
Collection: PS: Political Science and Politics
Views: 20/1040
Throughout American history editorial cartoons have exposed corruption, offered criticism of people in power, questioned and supported policies, and in general given the public another format assisting in the understanding of current events. The freedom to caricature politicians and visually comment on social and political issues has been a hallmark of the editorial cartoonist’s profession. In the aftermath of the worldwide furor over Danish cartoonists’ use of the Prophet Muhammad’s image in early 2006, it is useful to ask whether certain images from the War on Terror have become taboo as a subject for American editorial cartoonists.
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